Student Life & Services

Your Physical & Educational Wellbeing

As an active player within the Italian private university system, Unicollege holds a pre-existing infrastructure of services that seek to facilitate its Italian students’ academic and personal experiences all year round. Such infrastructure is also valid for its Study Abroad students and include:

Language tandems
As one of Italy’s first and oldest private universities specializing in languages, Unicollege has a consolidated history in transcultural and trans-linguistic exchanges on both a local and international level. Among others, Unicollege has active language tandems between its academic community and the New York and Syracuse University(ies). Candidates can therefore benefit from rich and dynamic schedules, where they will be able to maximize their native language/s and benefit from other students’ idioms, languages, and cultures.
Language assistance
Unicollege has almost 50 years of experience in the realms of language teaching and learning. Accordingly, it developed unique pedagogical and academic expertise in the challenging process of learning foreign languages. Candidates wishing to improve, revise, or hone their foreign language skills can apply to receive either individual or group assistance across the six levels of language proficiency (introductory>native), benefiting from a cohort of native speakers, tutors, and instructors holding international and proven experience in the field.

At Unicollege, students receive comprehensive orientation sessions designed to facilitate their adjustment to the institution and the Italian setting on various levels. Our representatives guide students through crucial details concerning academic requirements, expectations, safety measures, health considerations, accommodation, and Italian legal aspects. These orientation sessions are tailored to ensure that students are well-informed and prepared for a successful and fulfilling experience at Unicollege.

Sport & wellbeing

Unicollege regards sport as a major catalyzer to facilitate integration, international networking, a fair sense of competitiveness, as well as a healthy recreational tool for the body and mind. Taking advantage of 8,000+ squared meters of green and relax areas, Unicollege organizes open air yoga sessions, international sport competitions, as well as miscellaneous sport activities with international instructors.

Moreover, it features strategic partnerships with local and international sport & wellbeing institutions that give access to ad hoc services, discounts, and benefits to Unicollege students and people.

Psychological support

While a Study Abroad session can surely be an enriching and life-changing experience, it can also be challenging on a personal, academic, and psychological level. Unicollege offers individual sessions with coaches, tutors, and experts that will aid any candidate experiencing difficulties, issues, and any sort of problem throughout the experience – either in person or virtually.

Field trips & immersive cultural experiences
As indicated in the “Learning Methodologies & Approaches” section, Unicollege fosters hands-on, experiential, and immersive learning experiences through a series of activities that celebrate the unique learning context of Italy. In addition to ad hoc courses that exacerbate this very methodological approaches and educational spirit, Unicollege organizes recurrent field trips and immersive cultural experiences all year round that involve local, national, and universally known businesses that provide complementary knowhows and expertise to lectures, courses, and programs.
24/7 assistance
In addition to their unique enriching spirit and experiential component, Study abroad experiences may pose some logistical, linguistic, and managerial limits that may provide the intervention of external (human) resources or providers. With 50+ years of experience in international education, Unicollege has been building an efficient 24/7 assistance service that is guaranteed to all students enrolling in full-service plans, who will benefit from fully bilingual local staff, who will facilitate any applicable service and operation.