School of Sustainable Mobility, Tourism & Hospitality "Amerigo Vespucci"

Why study sustainable mobility, tourism, and hospitality in Italy?
  • Italy holds some of the world’s most ancient and first human traces in the Mediterranean area (the first dating back to 600,000 years ago) – thus becoming a reference for human mobility studies
  • 14% of Italian GDP is generated by touristic activities
  • Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world
  • Italy is among the world’s most active country in slow, green, and alternative tourism and mobility

Highlighted Courses

HOS180 – ITSTU180
Medieval Towns, Farms & Skyscrapers

Building an Italian Narrative through Mobility

MAR210 – HOS210
The Italian Hospitality Engine

Attractiveness, Competitiveness & Strategy

HOS272 – HIS272
The Grand Tour

An Experiential Voyage Across Italy

MNGMNT280 – HOS280
Destination Design, Management & Strategization

Converting Italian Potential into Opportunity

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