School of Science & Human Progress "Rita Levi Montalcini"
Why study arts, cultures, and humanities in Italy?
- Italy ranks 13th in the world by scientific research impact
- Italy’s national research council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) ranks 6th in Europe by research impact index
- Italy is among the world’s most impactful scientific countries; indeed, the telephone; the seismographer; the electric battery; the nuclear reactor and the radio are among some of the country’s most universal scientific discoveries and applications
- Elena Lucrezia Cornaro is the world’s first woman who received a PhD in 1678
- Maria Gaetana Agnesi was the world’s first woman who was allowed to teach STEM subjects at university by Pope Benedict XIV in the 1700s
- Rita Levi Montalcini was awarded one of the world’s first Nobel prizes for medicine in 1986 – as she discovered the NGF molecule during Fascist persecutions against the Italian Jewish community she belonged to
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