Unicollege is founded on the principle of academic freedom, thus assigning, to each instructor, personal and academic flexibility in the delivery of lessons, courses, and proposed programs. However, its unique presence in UNESCO cities such as Florence and Mantua, as well as the centers of prestigious capitals such as Milan and Turin provide a unique learning opportunity, whereby the city itself becomes the class.

Candidates studying at Unicollege will therefore live a learning experience that hybridizes:

  • Immersive learning: taking advantage of local peculiarities, and learning in workshops, businesses, venues, squares, selected locations, and tours that exacerbate authentic knowhows, crafts, knowledge, experience, and professionalism.
  • Complementary learning: as a study abroad experience taking place in the Italian context, the very cradle of humanistic knowledge and culture, courses at Unicollege tend to reiterate this complementary and intersectional approach across disciplines and knowhows, and to deliver programs that hybridize subjects, areas, and disciplines. As a result, most courses hold a dual code (i.e., cross-listed) that exacerbate the very humanistic approach to juxtapose, enrich, and complement human knowledge and discovery.
  • Practice-based learning: in addition to the immersive learning approach described above, Unicollege learning experiences are often complemented with a practice-based component that provides the actual, active participation of students – who are involved in organically practical sessions, where they do, make, touch, sense, experience as part of their learning process.
  • Self-empowering learning: each school at Unicollege holds the name of an inspiring character that changed lives on both a local and universal level – i.e. Pietro Leopoldo was the world’s first political modern leader to abolish death penalty; Artemisia Gentileschi was the world’s first official female artist; Maria Montessori is considered the world’s pioneer of modern pedagogy.

This gender-balanced nomenclative approach exacerbates the intent of Unicollege to provide inspiring references to international candidates that seek inspiration and sense of universal human and intellectual connection. In this sense, and through trained faculty, Unicollege seeks to spread a learning experience that is self-empowering, self-definitional, and intellectually inspiring, drawing from unique characters that changed the history of the world forever.

A taste of Unicollege’s Learning Experiences

Practice-based learning
Languages, Politics & Rights

At the United Nations
United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Immersive learning
Media & Journalism

At a Leading Broadcasting Channel
SKY (major Italian broadcasting channel), Milan, Italy

Complementary learning
Art, Past & Power from

An Iconic Art Parliament
Palazzo Vecchio (Florence City Hall by Leonardo and Michelangelo), Florence, Italy

Self-empowering learning
Law, Forensics & Justice

At Milan’s Court of Justice
Milan’s courthouse, Milan, Italy

Taste-based learning
Wine, Anthropology & Territory

Proteced UNESCO Barolo area
Piedmont Region, Italy