Health & Well-Being

We care about You.

Unicollege’s Commitment to Student Well-being and Cultural Sensitivity in Italy

Unicollege is dedicated to safeguarding the well-being, safety, and security of its students during their study abroad experience in Italy. Emphasizing the significance of maintaining a positive image and acting as considerate ambassadors of their home countries, Unicollege encourages students to conduct individual research.

To achieve these objectives, Unicollege ensures that students are acquainted with local customs, traditions, norms, and laws in Italy. This approach aims to cultivate respectful, responsible, and safe behavior among students. Recognizing that the experience of navigating a different cultural and academic environment can be stressful, Unicollege provides guidelines to prepare students for life abroad.

Adherence to these guidelines not only contributes to a safer and more secure environment but also enhances students’ overall experience of intercultural awareness and exchange during their study in Italy. Unicollege believes that fostering cultural responsibility is integral to creating a positive and enriching study abroad experience for all students.

Unicollege's Commitment to Student Well-being and Cultural Sensitivity in Italy

Before embarking on their journey, Unicollege strongly recommends that students take proactive measures for their health and well-being:

  1. Health Check-ups: Consult healthcare providers for general and dental check-ups, ensuring compliance with required vaccinations and immunizations both in the home country and abroad.
  2. Mental Health Preparedness: Students currently receiving mental health counseling should schedule a pre-departure visit. It is advisable to create a plan of action to address any mental health issues that may arise during the study abroad period.
  3. Prescription Medications: Arrive in Italy with an adequate supply of prescription medications. Those on daily medication should discuss the required quantity with their doctor. Medications must be in original containers with clear labels. For refills in Italy, students need a list of generic names. Payment for medications is upfront, with reimbursement subject to respective insurance policies.
  4. Special Medications: Some medications available in home countries may not be accessible in Italy. For specific medications like contraceptives, over-the-counter drugs, or those for ADD and ADHD, students should consult with their home country’s consulate or embassy. If prescribed such medications, a signed and stamped note from the doctor is required.
  5. Health Insurance: Students are obligated to have valid health insurance covering their entire stay in Italy. This insurance must be obtained in their home country before departure. Existing home country health plans may not provide comprehensive coverage for international travel. Students must carry insurance information, pay medical expenses upfront, and submit claims to initiate reimbursement according to policy terms.
  6. International Health Insurance: Students without existing international health insurance can coordinate with Unicollege to obtain comprehensive coverage for the program’s duration. It’s crucial to note that this international insurance supplements, not replaces, domestic coverage in the home country.
  7. Pre-Departure Communication: Students should contact Unicollege well in advance to communicate any needs, accommodations, or disability-related requirements. Since support services may differ, early inquiries and arrangements with Unicollege are essential, along with carrying official documentation related to accommodation needs and requested services while abroad.
Guidelines for Health and Medical Care During Your Stay in Italy

Healthcare Information for Unicollege Students Studying in Italy

Unicollege ensures that students have access to essential healthcare information and support during their time in Italy:

  1. Local Healthcare Resources: Students will receive a comprehensive list of local healthcare facilities, clinics, service providers, and pharmacies during their orientation session on-site.
  2. Preventive Health Measures: While in Italy, students are strongly advised to integrate precautionary measures into their daily health routines. This includes monitoring symptoms, adhering to medical advice, and practicing preventive measures to contribute to public health.
  3. International Health Insurance Support: In addition to coordinating student life at Unicollege, the Unicollege Advising Team can assist students in navigating international health insurance. They can also provide referrals to English-speaking healthcare practitioners and specialists in private clinics and labs.
  4. On-Campus Mental Health Support: Unicollege offers on-campus mental health professionals who provide free psychological support services to students. Contact information and office hours can be obtained from Unicollege Advisors on-site, and appointments can be conveniently scheduled online. If needed, students requiring assistance beyond the scope of Unicollege counseling services may be referred to a third-party healthcare provider.
  5. Hospital Information: Hospitals in Italy are categorized as public or private. For urgent care needs, individuals must visit a public hospital, as private hospitals generally lack emergency rooms. The public hospital emergency room, known as “pronto soccorso,” assigns patients a color code based on the severity of their condition: red (very critical), yellow (moderately critical), green (not very critical), white (not critical). Students visiting the emergency room should carry their original passport and be prepared to pay fees upfront.
  6. Pharmacy Accessibility: Pharmacies, identifiable by a prominent green cross sign, are easily accessible. Some medications are available over-the-counter, while others require a prescription from an Italian doctor. Typically, pharmacies operate between 9:00 am and 7:30-8:00 pm, with closures on Sundays.
Ensuring your well-being and safety throughout your stay overseas

Safety at Unicollege is a shared responsibility. It’s crucial to make thoughtful decisions to minimize risks for oneself and others, following common-sense safety measures applicable in Italy and across Europe. Students are subject to Italian laws during their time at Unicollege, and adherence to guidelines is vital to avoid safety or legal issues.

A dedicated team of advisors is available to support students, addressing academic, personal, and emergency concerns. Each student is assigned a Unicollege Advisor for ongoing assistance. At orientation, students receive a student ID card and information on emergency contacts. Unicollege provides a 24/7 emergency phone number and ensures safe housing. Students are encouraged to be vigilant, use reputable transportation services, and register with their home country’s embassy. Responsible alcohol consumption is emphasized, and engaging in illegal activities has serious consequences. Unicollege Advisors can assist in filing local police reports if needed.

Safety tips include storing important documents securely, being aware of surroundings, and reporting concerns promptly. Students should use the “buddy system” for nightlife, exercise caution with personal belongings, and stay informed about local events. Travel plans should be shared with trusted contacts, and students are advised to follow local laws and customs when traveling outside Italy.

Overall, safety is a top priority at Unicollege, and students are encouraged to prioritize their well-being and that of the community.