Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Unicollege continuously seeks and builds international synergies with international actors – individual students, providers, universities, and third parties. Depending on the nature of such collaborations, Unicollege formulates and proposes different tuitions and plans that consider a spectrum of variables that seek to guarantee affordability and accessibility to everyone. While the tuition per credit varies according to the abovementioned factors, Unicollege identifies as one of Italy and Europe’s most accessible study abroad programs and continuously considers and assigns scholarships, complementary funding opportunities, and aid to applicants.

As of today, 15% of Unicollege students receive scholarships

Descriptor Fee
Tuition per credit 195 euros (2340 euros per part-time students, 12 credits; 2925 euros per full-time students, 15 credits)
Application fee (non-refundable) 95 euros

In addition to a certain number of Unicollege in-house dormitories
(assigned on a first come first served basis),
Unicollege has a broad network of local and national affiliated agencies that

Shared room

3000 euros (per semester)
850 euros (per intensive, 3-week programs)
1000 euros (per intensive, 4-week programs)
2500 euros (per quarters, 10-week programs)

Single room

All costs of a shared room + 10%

Meal plan 9 euros per meal

80 euros per 10 meals (covers approximately 2 weeks)

120 euros per 15 meals (covers approximately 3 weeks)

150 euros per 20 meals (covers approximately 4 weeks)

430 euros per 80 meals (covers approximately a semester)

Additional course fees (indicated upon enrolment in the course and
provided for selected workshops, field trips, laboratories, etc.)
10-100 euros (detailed fees will be provided upon enrolment)
Visa and immigration services (if requested) 130 euros


As indicated, 15% of Unicollege students regularly benefit from scholarships issued by the university. While the scholarships listed below are regularly provided, Unicollege is open to consider further individual cases should there be a demonstrated financial limitation or constraints (for further information, email Among the scholarships currently active at Unicollege, see:

Italian/European students

Candidates holding either an Italian and/or a European citizen (or dual) can apply to designated scholarships.

Independent applicants

Candidates enrolling in any program on an individual basis can benefit from a customized scholarship plan regardless of their origin, residence, personal or academic background.

15% School scholarship (all Major and Schools)

As 15% of Unicollege students benefit from a customized form of scholarship, each School (see list of schools in the ‘Unicollege Academic Organization’ chart) proudly issues a number of annual scholarships that is proportioned to 15% of the school’s enrolment rate (i.e., 100 enrolled students in the School of Sustainable Mobility, Tourism & Hospitality “Amerigo Vespucci” will activate 15 scholarships). Cross listed courses will be managed internally to guarantee equal and fair distribution of scholarships.

First-generation graduates

Unicollege proudly supports first-generation graduates in situations of proven economic and financial constraints, providing proportioned and individual scholarships that consider both personal and academic aspects.

Italian descents

As Study Abroad experiences may often identify as an opportunity of reconciliation with lost/far family, cultural, or personal ties with the country (Italy), Unicollege is proud to facilitate such a journey, providing ad hoc scholarships to students who have a proven Italian descent background, as well as economic and/or financial constraints.

Apply for a scholarship